Well, as I’ve already mentioned, I’ve tried writing and maintaining a blog for a long while, more than half a decade probably. But I’ve failed each time mostly due to my own laziness and lack of commitment.
I have spent unbelievably more time going through numerous themes, plugins, tutorial and guide articles than actually writing something, which, well, is the point of a blog.
I wanted to make EVERYTHING perfect and to my liking before ever publishing my first article. I have edited themes and plugins before I even writing a single article.
Now, to be fair, I actually did like doing all of that, which is why I continued doing it. I like tinkering and customizing things, which is why I quickly get lost in all of the variety and choices that one has with WordPress.
And due to this reason, I also thought of moving away from WordPress onto something more simpler, straightforward and modern. That’s when I went through static site generators, headless CMS and blogging software.
My criteria was
- It should be good looking
- It should have some level of customization and should have a layout similar to my preference
- It should have related posts, previous and next and recent posts
Most of the static site generators do satisfy these conditions, with most of them looking quite sleek out of the box. But, having to generate the static files each time and having to write in Markdown all the time and having to organize all the file and link everything together was simply not working for me. I have decent experience in programming but still, I wanted more of a visual editor.

I tried some blogging/CMS software like Grav, bludit and Ghost. Ghost seemed the best out of the bunch to me because it looks quite modern out of the box, resembling the static site generators sometimes. It was also more straight to the point than WordPress. But the selection of free themes for personal blogging use was a bit lacking and the paid ones are quite expensive. While the default theme itself looks better than a lot of WordPress themes, I wanted a bit more customizability.
So, here I am back on WordPress again. I plan to stick around this time and hopefully that works out.